Don't expect to make a profitable business raising rabbits. Only a small minority of those who raise rabbits are capable of making a living out of it. Think about it , an enjoyable hobby that can help pay for itself. Raising rabbits gets in your blood. Two times you have had some nice rabbits, you need to keep them around. I found that when I was raising lots of and didn't have markets, the rabbits were eating me out of house and home. And so I got rid of them -- for a while. I then took up the hobby again because I found it was in my blood to raise rabbits.
Rabbits are fun to raise except when you must go out and take care of them at 10 below zero. Thinking about this is the exception than the rule, we'll assume that, generally speaking, they are fun to raise. You may have different reasons for raising them - enjoyment, education, business, show, laboratory, meat, fur, and the bi-products they produce, such as fertilizer and fishing worms.
Before you get lots of rabbits, it would be a nice idea for you to join the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). The low membership fee includes a very nice booklet on raising rabbits. It lists all of the recognized domestic breeds of rabbits along with their characteristics.
Membership in ARBA includes a subscription to Domestic Rabbits magazine that supplies you with helpful articles on rabbit raising. Each year you will also receive a booklet listing the over 35,000 ARBA members and their addresses. You will easily find rabbit fanciers living close to you.